Ecstasy On Way Back, Thanks to Canadian Suppliers
Monday October 4 2010
Party drug Ecstasy is on the way back in the US, and Canadian drug suppliers are behind it, according to the DEA.
Rich Isaacson, a special agent with the Detroit field division of US Drug Enforcement Administration, has told Detroit Free Press that Ecstasy the party drug of choice in the 1990s is making a comeback, and that Canadian drug suppliers are responsible. Its coming back, and coming back strongly, he claims. Its one of those things that without keeping an eye on it, itll come back even stronger than it was in the rave party era. Isaacson says that Canada drug suppliers are tweaking the formula that makes up Ecstasy, making it even more potent and more dangerous than it was before. The Canada drug is then being smuggled into the US via Canadian truck drivers.
Our typical courier used to be a suburban female bringing over a couple (of) thousand pills, the chief of the criminal division of the Detroit US Attorneys Office, Daniel Lemisch, adds. Were now seeing well organized drug traffickers, involving Canadian truck drivers
Were the first stop on the line for ecstasy coming up. It all gets funneled through our district because of the bridge and tunnels.
Recent statistics suggest that use of Ecstasy is on the up among teenagers, and that less people are fearful of the health consequences of using the drug a belief that is seriously mistaken as far as the DEA are concerned.