Health Canada Approves VIVIMIND
Health Canada has given the seal of approval to natural health product VIVIMIND, allowing it to legally go on sale across the country. VIVIMIND contains the Canadian drug homotaurine, which is a natural amino acid that is common in certain types of seaweed. The product claims to be able to help a particular area of the brain called the hippocampus, which is the area responsible for learning and memory. The company behind VIVIMIND, BELLUS Health Inc, claims that the Canadian drug is able to help normal older people be less forgetful, though it is not targeted at Alzheimers patients. However, a study did find that Alzheimers patients taking the Canada drug VIVIMIND had their hippocampus volume loss reduced by up to sixty eight percent.
VIVIMIND was approved for sale in Italy and Spain last year, and has been the subject of fifteen years worth of testing in Europe, US and Canada drug trials. We are very pleased with successfully obtaining an NPN for VIVIMIND, says Gary Schmidt, the Chief Executive Officer and President of OVOS Natural Health, the company which commercialized VIVIMIND. This formal recognition from Health Canada, which we were confident to obtain, confirms once more the benefits of VIVIMIND for consumers who take the product on a regular basis.
The issuance of an NPN enables us to move forward with our search for a partner to commercialize VIVIMIND on a larger scale in Canada, affirms BELLUS Healths President and Chief Executive Officer, Roberto Bellini.