Testosterone To Help Women with Heart Failure?
A new study is the latest that suggests that the male hormone Canadian drug testosterone could be used to help prevent heart failure in women. While researchers are not at the point of recommending that women be prescribed the Canadian drug, cardiologist Justin A. Ezekowitz believes there is definitely something in the findings.
Theyre definitely onto something that deserves explanation, the University of Alberta assistant professor says. We have hit a wall in terms of what we can do for patients with heart failure. Weve made a lot of progress, but there are still patients who have symptoms despite the premium blend of medications and fancy devices.
Heart failure is most associated with people in their 60s and over, but while testosterone has previously been linked to an improvement in health of men with heart failure problems, this is the first time it has been suggested that women could also benefit from the Canada drug. The result of the new study, which gave thirty six women with heart failure either normal treatment or treatment involving the Canada drug, are set to appear in the October 12th edition of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. There is a population of people who are already on the best medications, and on top of that they can have an additional benefit, says Ezekowitz. The hormone apparently helps the muscles of the body to work in a better and more efficient manner.