Easy lifestyle changes to help reduce heartburn
As autumn kicks into full gear, you can definitely expect more football grill outs and fall barbecues and trying to make the most of the weather before winter.
As autumn kicks into full gear, you can definitely expect more football grill outs and fall barbecues and trying to make the most of the weather before winter. With more cookouts comes opportunities for heartburn, and while taking Nexium generic can help alleviate your acid reflux symptoms, sometimes taking further steps can also assist in doing away with pain. Here are a few easy lifestyle changes to consider for reducing heartburn episodes:
Avoid trigger foods
While it's hard to avoid temptation for char-broiled burgers and salted French fries, the truth of the matter is that what you eat has the biggest impact on your heartburn. Foods that are fried and high in fat are the primary proponents toward building digestive acids up into your esophagus, so it's important to be conscious of what snacks and meals will set off your symptoms. Spicy foods are also one of the most recognized sources of nutrition that will stir up indigestion so try and put down the hot sauce while your tailgating. Harvard Medical School lists the following as other common foods associated with heartburn:
- Garlic and onions
- Citrus fruits
- Chocolate
- Peppermint and spearmint
- Tomato sauces
- Coffee, soda and other carbonated beverages
Shed some weight
The more pounds you're packing on, the more pressure you're putting on your abdomen, which in turn may push stomach acid up through your esophagus. You don't have to do anything extreme to lose weight. The Mayo Clinic suggests that getting rid of 1 to 2 pounds a week may help you see results. Even if you're already considered to have a healthy weight, it's crucial to continue exercising to maintain that so you'll avoid heartburn in the future.
Eat healthy, smaller meals
Just because you're eating a salad doesn't mean you can't fall victim to overeating. The more you consume, the easier it is to experience heartburn. If acid reflux continues to be a problem for you, try switching over to eating five to six smaller snacks throughout the day rather than three heartier meals. It's also recommended not to eat three hours before you go to bed, because lying down after consuming a lot of food is known to make heartburn hit you the hardest right before sleeping.
Ditch the tight clothes
While this hasn't been medically determined, wearing clothes that wrap tightly around your abdomen may put too much force upon your lower esophageal sphincter and abdomen. As a precaution for heartburn, make sure you're wardrobe is loose and comfortable.
As always, taking Nexium generic is one way that can help you avoid frequent heartburn episodes. If using these methods isn't enough, make sure you try using popular medications to help relieve symptoms.